Electronic student transfer system

The process of student transfer in the country's general education institutions is being digitized.

Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov signed an order “on electronization of the process of students' transfer”. According to the order, starting from the 2019-2020 academic year, the transfer of secondary school students will be carried out through an electronic system across the country. The order aims to ensure stable maintenance of student contingent in general educational institutions, accurate and optimal basis formation of statistical reports on students, and strengthening of management and control over the implementation of compulsory education. “E-Student Transfer” is an e-service that registers the applications of students, studying in all general education schools of the Republic, with requests to transfer them from one school to another or to a different class within the same school. The system ensures the electronic consideration and execution of these applications. The purpose of this e-service is to automate the process of student movement electronically, reduce the human factor, simplify the process and ensure citizen satisfaction.

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